Toward a Process-Oriented Model of Organizational Agility: A Dynamic Capability Perspective



Published Dec 16, 2021
Anna-Theresa Walter Sebastian Raetze


Recent research highlights organizational agility as a central success factor for companies operating in highly volatile environments. Although agility is a dynamic concept by nature, little attention is devoted to its temporal dynamics. To address this gap, we conceptualize organizational agility as a higher-order dynamic capability facilitated through the development of lower-order dynamic capabilities. Building on this understanding, we propose a two-dimensional capability-building framework, which distinguishes between the development and realization processes of organizational agility. Our paper contributes to research by offering a temporal and process-oriented view of organizational agility, which extends the rather static view of previous work.

How to Cite

Walter, A.-T., & Raetze, S. (2021). Toward a Process-Oriented Model of Organizational Agility: A Dynamic Capability Perspective. Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, 11, 1–20.
Abstract 713 | PDF Downloads 923



dynamic capabilities, capability building, organizational agility, organizational learning

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