Rethinking the Agility Puzzle – Toward an Understanding of Endogenous Dynamics in Becoming Agile



Published Dec 16, 2021
Florian Ritter Anja Danner-Schröder Gordon Müller-Seitz


Extant research on organizational agility leans more toward flexibility in the face of environmental changes and dynamics. Although such a view is needed and seems plausible initially, it lacks a thorough theoretical underpinning that explains how agility is actually enacted endogenously in the form of effortful and emergent accomplishments. By drawing on research on routine dynamics, we seek to offer an emergent and endogenous understanding of routines that allows for theorizing the underlying dynamics and mechanisms of organizational agility. Therefore, we consider routine dynamics insights to theorize organizational agility and, thus, uncover the emergent unfolding of agility.

How to Cite

Ritter, F., Danner-Schröder, A., & Müller-Seitz, G. (2021). Rethinking the Agility Puzzle – Toward an Understanding of Endogenous Dynamics in Becoming Agile. Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, 11, 1–14.
Abstract 745 | PDF Downloads 899



Organizational agility, organizational routines, endogenous dynamics, becoming agile

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