Characteristics, Antecedents, and Consequences of Agile R&D Units’ Organization – A Conceptual Framework



Published Dec 16, 2021
Andre Meier Alexander Kock


The information systems and operations management fields have exhaustively investigated the concept of agility. However, innovation management literature has almost neglected the topic, particularly agile R&D units, on which large industrial companies increasingly rely. To investigate this practically relevant but academically under-explored phenomenon’s characteristics, antecedents, and consequences, we conducted an explorative-qualitative study with R&D managers and agility experts. Our findings’ integration in extant literature provides a holistic framework of agile R&D units’ organization (ARDO). The results reveal the complementary capabilities to gain agility and facilitate future empirical investigations, thus advancing scarce research on agility’s capability perspective in innovation management.

How to Cite

Meier, A., & Kock, A. . (2021). Characteristics, Antecedents, and Consequences of Agile R&D Units’ Organization – A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, 11, 1–20.
Abstract 1005 | PDF Downloads 907



agile R&D units, organizational agility, R&D, new product development

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