Author Guidelines
- Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically via the journal website.
- Please make sure that the document does not include any details that allow for identification of authors’ identities.
- Editors assume that manuscripts are exclusively provided for the Journal of Competences, Strategy and Management. Manuscripts that have been published before or that are currently under review in another journal cannot be submitted to the Journal of Competences, Strategy and Management. Manuscripts might have been submitted to and presented at conferences, but should not be publicly available.
- Manuscripts have to be proof-read thoroughly prior to submission. The article language is American English.
- The manuscript includes an abstract of maximum 150 words. The abstract should include the purpose, method or design, major findings and central contribution.
- Manuscripts should be accompanied by a maximum of 9 keywords.
- The manuscript should not exceed 10 000 words including references and abstract, excluding appendices.
- The text should follow the following formatting: 10 pt Arial, justified, double line spacing, and 2.5 cm margin to all sides. Do not use specific formats (e.g., other fonts, bold type). There is only one type of accentuation within the text – Italics. The text must not be arranged with the help of space characters, but should always use tabulators.
- The text should be structured in sections. There should not be more than three levels of classification. Headings should be numbered accordingly and use sentence style:
- 1. Heading
- 1.2. Heading
- 1.2.1. This is another heading
- Citation are placed within the text (i.e., Harvard Style). Citing in footnotes is not allowed.
- Miller and Schulze (1980) demonstrate that …
- Other authors come to the same conclusion (Miller & Schulze, 1982; Jagow et al., 1991).
- “We come to the same conclusion” (Jagow et al., 1991, p. 21).
- Footnotes are not allowed. Endnotes, which are numbered through the whole manuscript, should only be used in exceptional cases (e.g. for more comprehensive comments).
- Figures and tables are provided at the end of the document. Please number figures and tables accordingly and refer to these numbers within the text (e.g., Figure 1 shows that …). Please indicate the position of figures and tables within the text (e.g., – insert Figure 1 about here – ) and use the font "Arial".
- The manuscript should include a list of references of the cited literature after the main text. The formatting of the list of references follows the APA-6 guidelines. References should not include DOIs. Usage of citation tools such as Endnote or Citavi is recommended.
- You will be asked to provide a conflict of interest statement during the submission process. The journal requires that all authors disclose of any potential conflict of interest. Any interest or relationship, financial or otherwise that might be perceived as influencing an author's objectivity is considered a potential source of conflict of interest. These must be disclosed when directly relevant or directly related to the work that the authors describe in their manuscript. In addition, all authors have to declare that there is no conflict regarding authorship or order of authors.