Editorial: Understanding Organizational Renewal from a Multi-level Perspective – Challenges and Advancements



Published Jan 1, 2017
Uta Wilkens


The authors of this special issue 'Approaching Dynamic Capabilities from a Multi-Level Perspective – Macrofoundations and Microfoundations' found their specific way of coping with the challenges outlined in the field of forces, expectations and tensions that characterize multi-level research. There is a considerable advancement as the authors contribute to construct specifications on a theoretical basis and either prepare the next steps for multi-level empirical analyses concisely or even present empirical data. It is interesting to note that three out of five papers contribute to macrofoundations of DCs. It seems to be an issue of current research that has the potential to gain equally high interest in the future as microfoundations have nowadays.

How to Cite

Wilkens, U. (2017). Editorial: Understanding Organizational Renewal from a Multi-level Perspective – Challenges and Advancements. Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, 9, 1–6. https://doi.org/10.25437/jcsm-vol9-31
Abstract 235 | URL Downloads 0



dynamic capabilities, strategic issues, governance, urban management, behavioral theory, capability gaps, organizational adaptation, strategic change, servitization, microfoundations, new institutionalism, regional studies, institutional entrepreneur, middleground, multilevel analysis, mixed-method approach, networks, organizational competence
