Editorial: Understanding (Digital) Transformation
“Digital transformation” is one of the latest buzzwords. Often described as “fast”, “radical”, “fundamental”, or “game changing” reveals the importance, scope and pace of this phenomenon as an ongoing change process which cannot be ignored by scholars. Apart from the political, demographic, social and ecological challenges they trigger, the changes brought about by digital technologies represent huge challenges to institutions, as well as organizations in both traditional and emerging industries, and to society as a whole. Yet, to advance our understanding of the processes and consequences of digital transformation, we still lack a general consensus regarding the basic scientific foundations required for its study. This present issue seeks to identify some of these challenges and presents the various solutions that different economic actors have developed so far to cope with the uncertainties resulting from digital transformation. The aim this volume of the JCSM is to advance scholarly reflection on and understanding of digital transformation, especially in relation to Competences, Strategy and Management. Following a call for paper in December 2017, we were delighted to receive more than 20 proposals. After at least two rounds of rigorous double-blind reviewing, six articles have been accepted for publication.
How to Cite
digital transformation , organizational transformation , market transformation, market-shaping capabilities, dynmaic capabilities, industrial sales, qualitative research, digital business model innovation, dynamic capabilities, organizational agility, absorptive capacity, digital business models, ambidexterity, network ties, R&D middle managers, exploitation, symbolic interactionism, social organization, story, process organization studies, organizational competence